Understanding Shipment Status Updates

The journey of a shipment doesn't conclude with its creation; rather, it unfolds through a series of updates until the final outcome—whether it be successful delivery, cancellation, or return to its origin. This article aims to illuminate the process of how shipment statuses are updated, exploring the three primary methods: Webhooks, Polling, and Tracking URLs.

How Shipment Status Updates Unfold

The seamless flow of information regarding shipment updates is pivotal for ensuring transparency and efficiency in logistics operations. Shipment status updates are typically gathered through the following three methods:

  1. Webhooks

    • Webhooks operate on the principle of hooks, triggering an update event whenever an action occurs at the shipping partner's end.
    • The shipping partner sends status updates via webhooks.
    • This ensures real-time synchronisation of statuses at both ends, providing the latest information.
    • Notifications are sent without explicit queries, ensuring a proactive approach to status updates.
  2. Polling

    • Polling is a synchronous activity that involves regularly checking for updates at predetermined intervals.
    • For certain integrated shipping partners which do not provide webhooks polling is employed to fetch the latest order updates.
    • The tracking for orders is performed periodically to ensure the information is up to date.
    • Polling occurs at scheduled intervals to stay in sync with the shipping partner's dashboard.
    • Due to periodic polling, there might be a slight delay in status updates.
  3. Tracking URL

    • Every courier-type shipping partner sends a tracking URL associated with the created shipment.
    • The tracking URL redirects to the shipping partner's dashboard, offering real-time updates for a shipment.
    • This URL may include tracking events that are not displayed on the merchant dashboard for operational purposes.
    • Users can access the tracking URL to view detailed tracking events and stay informed about their shipment's journey.
    • Provides a direct link to the shipping partner's dashboard for additional tracking insights.

In conclusion, the journey of a shipment is a dynamic narrative that unfolds through timely and accurate status updates. The combination of webhooks, polling, and tracking URLs ensures a comprehensive approach to information gathering, offering transparency and real-time insights.

Use Cases

  • In-Store Fulfilment
  • Quick-Commerce
  • Ship-from-store
  • Buy Online Pickup in Store
  • Buy Online Return in Store
  • Omni channel Customer Service
  • Tax E-Invoicing

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