Omniful's Live Tracking: Keep Your Customers in the Loop, Every Step of the Way

Imagine this: a customer orders a product online, excited to receive it. But days go by, and radio silence. Frustration mounts, they bombard you with "Where's my package?!" emails, and your customer service team is drowning.

Enter Omniful's Live Tracking, your secret weapon for keeping customers informed and happy. This ain't your average tracking system – it's real-time visibility from order placement to delivery, accessible through a user-friendly portal or mobile app. Think of it like a GPS for your packages, giving customers peace of mind and you a break from endless inquiries.

Minimise the Anxious Customers and Time-Consuming Inquiries:

  • No more "Where's my package?" nightmares: Customers see exactly where their order is, every step of the way. No more panicking or pestering you.
  • Free up your team: Less "Where's my package?" emails means your customer service team can focus on other things, like charming new customers.
  • Build trust and transparency: Show customers you care about their experience by keeping them in the loop. They'll appreciate the honesty and feel more confident about shopping with you.

More Than Just Tracking, It's a Customer Experience Powerhouse:

  • Real-time updates: No more outdated information. Customers see the latest status instantly, so they know exactly when to expect their goodies.
  • Multi-channel access: They can track their orders on the web, app, or even through email and SMS notifications. Convenience is key!
  • Customizable alerts: Set up automatic notifications for key milestones like shipment, delivery, or potential delays. No more surprises (good or bad).
  • Data and insights: Use tracking data to identify areas for improvement and make your deliveries even smoother. It's like having a secret weapon for logistics optimization.

The Benefits Go Beyond Happy Customers:

  • Cut delivery costs: Proactive communication minimizes missed deliveries and redelivery fees, saving you money.
  • Boost efficiency: Identify and address potential issues early on, streamlining your delivery process.
  • Shine brighter than your competitors: Transparency builds trust and sets you apart. Happy customers become loyal customers, spreading the word about your awesomeness.
  • Data-driven decisions: Use tracking data to make informed choices about routes, carriers, and your overall delivery strategy. Knowledge is power!

Omniful's Live Tracking isn't just a feature, it's a commitment to customer satisfaction and operational excellence. Give your customers the peace of mind they deserve, streamline your operations, and watch your business soar. Start your free trial today

Use Cases

  • In-Store Fulfilment
  • Quick-Commerce
  • Ship-from-store
  • Buy Online Pickup in Store
  • Buy Online Return in Store
  • Omni channel Customer Service
  • Tax E-Invoicing

Who Is It For?